5 Wise Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

  • April 4, 2024
  • By: GreenPath Financial Wellness


  • April 15, 2024, is the tax filing deadline. You may file for an extension for October 15th and the IRS offers free filing online.
  • Paying down debtPaying down debt, funding an emergency savings account, and upgrading your home to decrease monthly bills are just a few ways you can invest your return wisely if you receive a refund this year.
  • GreenPath offers a free online course, Making the Most of Your MoneyMaking the Most of Your Money, for additional advice and tips.

It’s tax season once again…have you filed your return? April 15th is this year’s deadline, and you can also file for an extension which extends your timeline to October 15th (Pro tip: avoid the fees often associated with tax prep sites by heading on over to the IRS for some free online filing options.)

In 2023 the average tax refund was $2,753, and many are seeing higher returns this year due to changes the IRS made to counteract inflation. Not sure how to optimize your return? We offer several suggestions for recipients on investing wisely.

1. Tackle Debt

While this may be a less exciting alternative to booking a weekend vacation, paying off credit card debtpaying off credit card debt is a crucial step towards creating a healthy financial picture. Put your refund towards the credit card balance with the highest interest rate—this is the card costing you the most in the long run. The benefits of paying down debt are twofold: freeing up funds that would normally go towards high interest and giving your credit score a boost.

2. Fund Emergency Savings

How prepared would you be in an emergency? If the mere thought is stress-inducing, you are not alone. 57% of Americans are unable to handle a $1,000 unexpected expense, and 81% of Americans did not increase their emergency fund last year at all.

When creating an emergency fund (or even just saving money for a rainy day), you can deposit a percentage of your tax refund into a designated savings account and then set up automated weekly or monthly deposits. Even regular contributions between $50 and $100 add up over time, and when the unexpected happens, you will be less likely to rely on credit cards.  

3. Plan for the Future

What are your long-term financial goals? Do you want to build your retirement fund or save up for your children’s future education? It is never too late to start saving, and your tax refund deposit can be a great building block to get your started or lump sum contribution if you have already laid the groundwork with an IRA or 529 plan.  

Looking to put together a budget? You can connect with a GreenPath counselor anytime during business hours - an initial consultation is free and 100% confidential.

4. Upgrade your Home

A little investment into your living space can go a long way. Are there any home upgrades that might decrease your monthly energy bills (for example switching to a smart thermostat or installing solar panels)? Might this be the time to replace an outdated appliance or upgrade fixtures in the bathroom? In addition to improving the functionality and aesthetic of your home, you will increase the resale value of your property.

5. Start a Side Business

If you are regularly trading business ideas with friends or daydreaming about creative side ventures (like starting a photography business or opening an online store for homemade goods) your tax refund can be the seed money that brings your ideas to fruition.

Whether it’s purchasing a web domain, startup materials, or inventory, you can finally take those first steps towards making a profit (without sacrificing the stability of your current job.)  

Get Connected

Need additional inspiration on how to spend this year’s tax refund? Check out our online course, Making the Most of Your MoneyMaking the Most of Your Money available on LearningLab+. It’s quick, free, and designed to help you create a game plan for spending wisely.

gp employee tara author

Tara Spicer (She/Her)

Tara Spicer is a writer for GreenPath Financial Wellness, covering everything from budgeting best practices to financial literacy for families. A former book editor and University of Michigan alum, she divides her time between the page and parenting in Seattle, Washington.

Five Wise Ways To Spend Your Ta Refund Featured Image

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gp employee tara author
Tara Spicer

Tara Spicer is a writer for GreenPath Financial Wellness, covering everything from budgeting best practices to financial literacy for families. A former book editor and University of Michigan alum, she divides her time between the page and parenting in Seattle, Washington.

P.T. Phan


GreenPath is a non-profit credit counseling organization. GreenPath’s goal is to offer guidance and support to individuals seeking to manage and overcome financial challenges through education, financial counseling and debt management programs. The information provided is for educational purposes only. Consulting with a licensed financial advisor and tax advisor is recommended before making any major financial decisions. GreenPath is not a debt settlement company, credit repair company, credit repair service, nor does GreenPath provide debt consolidation loans. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that GreenPath is not responsible for any financial decisions you make based on the information provided on this site.