Your Money Guide White Paper

Financial Coaching
Outcomes White Paper

View an in-depth white paper that highlights how empathy-focused onlineand phone-based financial coaching program helps under-served participants increasecredit knowledge, improvesavings, reduce debt, and enhance financial confidence. *

Your Money Guide
Program Overview

  • GreenPath’s “Your Money Guide”is an online, email and telephone financial coaching program that provideslow to moderate-income individuals with the path to financial resiliency.
  • Your Money Guide connects people experiencing financial challenges withempathy-trained, certified financial coaches who guide people to attain and sustain financial resiliency.
  • To determine the best clients to serve, GreenPath worked with the Center for Financial Security (CFS) at the University of Wisconsin and a staff behavioral scientist.

Your Money Guide
Key Outcomes

Participants in GreenPath Financial Wellness “Your Money Guide” pilot online coaching program showed:

  • Increased credit scores by 10 points or more
  • Increased savings after 3 months of pilot coaching program
  • Reduced total debt of nearly $4,000 over course of the pilot
  • Improved confidence in reaching financial goals

The Key Outcomes are a Result of

Empathy Focused
Coaching Services


Targeted Program

Empathy-focused online and phone-based financial coaching program helps participants increase financial knowledge.

* Based on participant analysis and post-coaching surveys from two-phased coaching program. Phase 1 engaged 208 clients from May through December 2020. Phase 2 engaged 101 clients from January through May 2021.