Interest on Emergency Loans Can Get ‘Ugly.’ What to Know When You Need Money Quickly – TIME NextAdvisor
- September 21, 2021
Excerpt from Time NextAdvisor discusses the best options when there is an immediate need for cash, with insight from Financial Wellness Expert, Jeff Arevalo.
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Unexpected emergencies can make a dent in our finances.
The TIME NextAdvisor looks to GreenPath to help explain the different kinds of emergency loans, ranging from traditional installment loans to more predatory forms that charge exorbitant interest rates.
Before taking out a loan, understand how each type works and what kind of fees to expect. See insight from Jeffrey Arevalo, a financial wellness expert at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
If you are having trouble managing your finances during an emergency, financial counseling could be a good option.
If you are having trouble managing your finances during an emergency, financial counseling could be a good option.
We Are Here To Support You
Coping with an emergency? Understanding your options starts with a conversation. Our financial counselors are available to talk. They can help you figure out a plan to manage a crisis and will walk through your whole financial picture to help you identify options that can relieve stress and make it easier to bounce back.
GreenPath is a non-profit credit counseling organization. GreenPath’s goal is to offer guidance and support to individuals seeking to manage and overcome financial challenges through education, financial counseling and debt management programs. The information provided is for educational purposes only. Consulting with a licensed financial advisor and tax advisor is recommended before making any major financial decisions. GreenPath is not a debt settlement company, credit repair company, credit repair service, nor does GreenPath provide debt consolidation loans. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that GreenPath is not responsible for any financial decisions you make based on the information provided on this site.