Prepaid cards can help your members stay on budget – CUInsight

  • February 2, 2021
  • By: Greenpath Financial Wellness
  • GreenPath Financial Wellness is a trusted national nonprofit with more than 60-years of helping people build financial health and resiliency. Our NFCC-certified counselors give you options to manage credit card debt, student loans and homeownership.

Excerpt from CUInsight shares how prepaid credit cards can help people create healthy budgeting habits.

With the new year and tax season just beginning, your members are likely thinking of ways to develop their financial health so they can meet their goals. Our partner GreenPath Financial Wellness shares that the journey to financial wellness is smoother when people take the time to create a budget. This step helps better identify each unique financial situation.

Yet, this can be hard to accomplish without the right tools. Prepaid cards, particularly reloadable cards, are a simple tool your members can use to successfully stay on top of their budgets this year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Our budgeting worksheet can help you calculate your monthly expenses and income to get an idea of what you have to work with, what your commitments are, and what you have remaining to devote to your goals.


Insight from GreenPath

Here are some ways prepaid credit cards can promote healthy budget habits.

  • Better budget awareness – By loading a budgeted amount onto a prepaid card, members can be more conscious of how much they have to spend.
  • Easy purchase tracking – Prepaid cards that allow users to track their everyday purchases and identify ongoing expenses.
  • Categorized and organized spending – Tracking all of your spending for a month can give you a realistic idea of how to divide funds.

Read the entire article from CUInsight.


We Are Here To Support You

Our NFCC-certified counselors help you begin a conversation about where you are today, and what you need to accomplish your goals. We guide you through a process to assess your financial situation, understand your goals, and create an action plan to work toward them. We listen with respect, offer advice and information that could help you meet your needs.

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Greenpath Financial Wellness

GreenPath Financial Wellness is a trusted national nonprofit with more than 60-years of helping people build financial health and resiliency. Our NFCC-certified counselors give you options to manage credit card debt, student loans and homeownership.