saving money
3 Tips for Sticking to Your Budget During Financial Planning Month
October is Financial Planning Month, and with the new year right around the corner,…
Is Playing the Lottery Worth the Gamble?
Partner with GreenPath to create a spending plan that puts you on the path…
3 Money Saving Back-to-School Shopping Tips
Here are 3 back-to-school shopping tips, whether you shop online or in the stores,…
It’s Never too Early to Make a Financial Plan for Your Future
Personal finance is important because it helps people understand how to manage their money.…
America Saves Week – Day 1: Save with a Plan
America Saves Week is here! Each day this week, we’ll post new tips and resources…
Mothers are Financial Leaders
Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the women who brought us into the…
10 Ways to Save Money
Does it seem like saving money is a luxury you can’t afford? Do you have good…
America Saves Week
GreenPath is proud to participate in America Saves Week. This national campaign, which runs each…