Elevate the Experience with Empathy Webinar Registration
As the initial efforts to lessen COVID financial shocks for the people you serve, such as forbearances, deferments, and other loss mitigation efforts, such as fee waivers and postponements wind down, the chargeoffs and delinquencies will hit your bottom line. The people you serve will be stressed and struggling and you will be searching for ways to engage them in meaningful ways.
Strategically, you are in triage, assessing the damage and a course forward. Take a listen.
What will you learn?
- Empathy, human centered design and behavioral economics, can be key drivers for your continued response for the people you serve.
- It is through true empathy you can determine the needs and the problems that need to be solved and can put into place products and processes that address those needs.
- We will talk about using data in a meaningful way and how to connect with those who need your help the most.